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讲座题目:Film remakes as translation: afterlives, appropriation and rewriting 

报告人:Jonathan Evans, University of Portsmouth 


讲座提要: This presentation focuses on film remakes as a form of translation. Remakes have often been ignored by translation theory in favour of more common modalities of audiovisual translation such as subtitling and dubbing. From a semiotic perspective, both translations and translingual remakes offer a similar replacement of source language signs with target language signs. Remakes offer a fully multimodal experience of film translation. This presentation offers a historical overview beginning with the multilanguage films of the early sound film period (1929-1933), when studios experimented with multiple means of film translation. It then discusses remakes in America, focusing on the tension between perception of American remakes as a form of cultural exploitation and the artistic practices involved in film remaking, before moving onto remakes from around the world. Here, again, there is a tension between the expansion of American culture and its local negotiations. Finally, the presentation will discuss the theoretical issues brought up by remakes, such as the conflict between audience perception and legal frameworks, the concept of hauntology in remakes, and the complex economic, political and industrial frameworks that remakes are situated in. Throughout, the presentation will be illustrated with examples and film clips.   报告人简介: Jonathan Evans is Senior Lecturer in Translation Studies at the University of Portsmouth. His research focuses on how people use translation and adaptation in literature, film and critical theory. He is the author of The Many Voice of Lydia Davis (Edinburgh University Press, 2016) and co-editor of The Routledge Handbook of Translation and Politics (forthcoming 2018).


讲座题目: Letters from Other Friends: Theorizing Translogopoethics Today with & after Derrida et al.     

报告人:Kyoo Lee 李圭 (City University of New York)   


讲座提要: This lecture explores the world of translogopoethics (translation + logos + poetics + ethics) with and after Jacques Derrida, taking his “Letter to a Japanese Friend” (1985), Professor Izutsu, as the starting point, where the very word, “deconstruction,” is at stake, that is to say, comes under deconstruction:   It can be deconstructed. [Ça se deconstruit.] The "it" [ça] is not here an impersonal thing that is opposed to some egological subjectivity. It is in deconstruction (the Littré says, "to deconstruct itself [se deconstruire]... to lose its construction"). And the "se" of "se deconstruire," which is not the reflexivity of an ego or of a consciousness, bears the whole enigma.   We can, quite seamlessly, relate this issue to the specifically “ethical” points Derrida makes in a later text such as ‘What Is a “Relevant” Translation?’ (2001), where he affirms “nothing is translatable,” one the one hand, and “everything is translatable,” on the other hand. Building on this usual Derridian allogic, I ask further what is (in) the “letters” themselves that traverse such an enduring enigma of aporetic ambiguity. Hence, this translogopoethic attention to the afterlife of a text, an extended, postDerridian transcritique of logocentrism.     

报告人介绍: Kyoo Lee, Professor of Philosophy Department of Philosophy, John Jay College City University of New York, New York, USA

Associate Editor of Derrida Today