1、Fusion of Critical Horizons in Chinese and Western Language, Poetics, Aesthetics 《中西语言、诗学、美学批评视域的融合 》(Macmillan 2021);
2、Sinologism: An Alternative to Orientalism and Postcolonialism《汉学主义》(Routledge 2013;商务中文版2015年);
3、Chinese Theories of Reading and Writing 《中国诠释学与开放诗学》(SUNY Press 2005;商务中文版2021年);
4、Chinese Theories of Fiction 《中国小说理论——一个非西方的叙事体系》(SUNY Press 2006; 南京大学出版社2022年中文版);
5、The Nature and Rationale of Zen/Chan and Enlightenment: The Mind of a Pre-Natal Baby《禅与禅悟的性质与原理——尚未出生的婴儿之心》(Routledge, 2023);
1、Translating China for Western Readers (SUNY Press 2014);
2、Why Traditional Chinese Philosophy Still Matters(Routledge 2018);
3、Routledge Handbook of Modern Chinese Literature (Routledge 2019);
与人合作编译多部,其中有中文文集《“汉学主义”论争集萃》(2017)和英文学刊Contemporary Chinese Thought的特辑Sinologism and New Sinology(2018)。
在国内外期刊和文集发表中英文论文近170篇,其中英文文章74篇,发表的学刊包括:New Literary History, Poetics Today, Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism, Diacritics: A Review of Contemporary Criticism, Postcolonial Studies, Narrative, Journal of Narrative Theory, Psychoanalytic Quarterly, Modern Language Quarterly, Journal of Aesthetic Education (2 articles), D. H. Lawrence Review (2 articles), Interdisciplinary Literary Studies: A Journal of Criticism and Theory; Literature and Psychology, Comparative Literature, Comparative Literature Studies (two articles), Canadian Review of Comparative Literature (2 articles), Yearbook of Comparative Literature, Philosophy East & West (7 articles), Journal of Chinese Philosophy (4 articles), Asian Philosophy, Dao: A Journal of Comparative Philosophy (2 articles), Philosophy and Literature, Journal of Oriental Studies, Monumenta Serica, International Communications of Chinese Culture (2 articles), Journal of Asian Studies, Chinese Literature: Essays, Articles, Reviews, Translation Review, Athenaeum Review (2 articles),Tamkang Review (2 articles), Interdisciplinary Studies of Literature, Journal of Modern Literature, Contemporary Chinese Thought, and European Review。