人文艺术研究院Institute of Arts and Humanities
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研究专长:比较文学与世界文学(Comparative Literature and World Literature),种族主义与后殖民文化(Racism and Postcolonial Cultures),中非文化研究(China-Africa Cultural Studies),世界华文文学(Global Sinophone Literature)

施东来,牛津大学英文系比较文学博士,现任上海交通大学人文艺术研究院长聘教轨副教授,自2018年起担任华威大学现代语言文化系翻译研究与比较文学兼职教师。主要研究兴趣包括世界文学理论,世界华文文学,后殖民主义与第三世界文学,种族主义研究,中国与非洲的文化交流等。已发表国际期刊论文十余篇,编有学术论文集《World Literature in Motion》。目前正在准备第一本学术专著《Yellow Peril Revisited》(再论黄祸)的出版,同时也在进行第二本关于中非文化研究的学术专著的写作。


Flair Donglai SHI (施东来) is currently Tenure-Track Associate Professor (World Literature and Comparative Cultural Studies) at the Institute of Humanities and Arts at Shanghai Jiaotong University and has been affiliated with Warwick as Associate Tutor in Translation Studies (Chinese and English) since 2018. Flair obtained his PhD in English (Comparative Literature) from Oxford University. Flair’s current monograph project is entitled “Yellow Peril Revisited: Mutations, Reactions, and Reincarnations”, which investigates the racist concept of “the Yellow Peril” as a traveling discourse in contexts as diverse as early 20th century England, Apartheid South Africa and post-Mao China and the wider Sinophone world. He is initiating another book-length project on the representations of China-Africa interactions in contemporary cultural products, which investigates interracial relations as portrayed in literatures and films from China and a range of African countries including Zambia, Lesotho, Kenya, Zimbabwe, etc. His other research interests include Alice in Wonderland and China, theories of World Literature, modern Sinophone literature in translation, as well as the Global South as a genre of fiction.