3、ICLA, International Comparative Literature Association会员
4、上海交通大学人文学院创办的国际期刊Culture as Text (published by De Guyter)副主编。
自2016年以来,在Modern Chinese Literature and Culture(SSCI Q1/A&HCI, 2021), Fudan Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences(ESCI Q1, 2022),《复旦学报》(已录用待刊), 《新文学史料》(CSSCI, 2024),《中国比较文学》(CSSCI, 2024),《艺术广角》(省部级,2023),《文艺报》(国家级,2016/2024)、《博览群书》(省部级, 2018),《西部》(省部级,2016)等国内外权威/重要学术期刊/报刊发表论文十余篇,另有诗歌翻译(中译英)发表于“中国诗歌网”、“中国诗歌学会”网站与微信公众号(2016)。
学术会议/ 公开演讲 :
1, Biennial Conference of Association of Chinese Comparative Literature (ACCL), the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, 23-25 June, 2024. (Panel Organizer and Presenter)
2, “Decadent Aesthetics, Irony and Parody: Eileen Chang and Qian Zhongshu’s Fiction in Occupied Shanghai”, The Third International Conference of the Modernist Studies in Asia Network (MSIA), “Modernism between Past and Future” conference, The University of Hong Kong, May 31-June 2, 2024. (Presenter)
3, “唯美主义”的中国化尝试:谭惟翰与王尔德的文学互动Localizing Aestheticism in Occupied China: Tan Weihan and Oscar Wilde. “21世纪的中国与英国·文学世界的构建,”上海交通大学人文学院学术工作坊,2024年4月30日。
7, A public presentation as well as a thesis paper entitled “The Images of Death and Rebirth in Yang Kuangman’s ‘Free Verse’--A Comparative Study of the Influence of Western Poetry on a Contemporary Chinese Poet.” for the Forum: “China and Europe: History and Present” at the University of Hamburg, Germany, July, 2016.
8, 被建构的现代性:从刘禾《跨语际实践》中对语言与意义的解构谈起”
复旦大学,2016 年 5 月
9, “Language and Deconstruction in Paul Auster’s novella City of Glass.” The Chinese University of Hong Kong, April, 2013.
10, “The Structure of Laughter: Semiotics and Humor.” The Chinese University of Hong Kong, October, 2012.
11, “An Analysis of Roland Barthes’ Mythologies.” The Chinese University of Hong Kong, October, 2012.
12, “Features of Dystopian Novels: A Brief Analysis of Margaret Atwood’s The Handmaid’s Tale. Georgetown University, August, 2011.